Nursing Scholarship

Well it is no secret I have not been in the best of health over the last 12 months, with a bacterial infection on my pulmonary valve called endocarditis , this bacteria unfortunately despite six weeks of strong intravenous antibiotics had damaged my valve and I needed it replaced.

Of course any form of heart surgery is a reality big deal but being born with a congenital heart disorder called Tetralogy of Fallot, I had at that point already had 3 major open heart surgeries, including that very valve replaced only six years prior.  However unlike last time, my chest was not going to have to be cut open but the valve put in place via a cardiac catheter going through a vein in my leg.

It seemed small fry compared to what I had been through previously and therefore I was not overly worried, sadly I had an allergic reaction to the metal in this valve which cause a massive amount of problems one of them being my heart stopping, so a mere two months later the valve and two stents which had been placed in at the same time had to be removed, and the valve replaced, which resulted in a massive open heart surgery.

This surgery I am not going to lie knocked me about at bit and it took a while for me to feel human again, however it was during this time in hospital, I was given a fresh respect for nurses, although I have always admired the hard work they do, therefore I felt compelled into helping anyone wanting to follow this noble and unbelievably worthwhile and vital profession.

Therefore the first of the three scholarship programs Bio Cybertronics is proud to announce is our Nursing Scholarship, which will be named after myself, Jodi Myatt, as it is somewhat of a personal bond and mission I feel I owe to these care givers.

‘The Jodi Myatt Nursing Scholarship by Bio Cybertronics’  will be awarded every year to students in the United States, Bio Cybertronics will be presenting two scholarships of $4,000, these two scholarships will be awarded to two applicants that meet the criteria and deadlines and include all requested information, set forth by the Bio Cybertronics scholarship committee.

To be eligible for ‘The Jodi Myatt Nursing Scholarship by Bio Cybertronics.’ applicants must meet the following criteria;

  • Qualifying students will be pursuing a career is nursing, medical sciences or a medical technical field.
  • Student must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 or better, or continuing their education at an accredited institution (college, junior or community college, or technical school)
  • Students will be asked to provide a list of community services performed or involved in during the last four years
  • Upon final review of all applications and essays, finalists may be called for an interview.

More information will be placed on the Bio Cybertronics website over the next week will details on how to apply etc, I just hope via this program Bio Cybertronics and myself can give back as much as I have taken from all the amazing nursing staff I have been lucky enough to have had care for me over thought out my life.

Jodi Myatt is a Serial Innovative Entrepreneur, Writer, Author and President of Bio Cybertronics

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Posted in Bio Cybertronics News, Message from CEO/President Jodi Myatt
One comment on “Nursing Scholarship
  1. jodi myatt says:

    Reblogged this on The Joop – Jodi Myatt's Blog and commented:
    Bio Cybertronics are offering a number of Scholarships which will be announced over the next few weeks, the first one being the Nursing Scholarship.

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