Inventions that changed the world.

Hello again, it has been a while since I posted, which in future I will strive to correct, in fact I’ve set a target for myself to post at least once a week from now on.

So todays topic of ‘Inventions that changed the world.’ is something I often think about, after all Bio Cybertronics was built on ‘innovation through imagination’ and it is only natural that one day one I hope to see someone who valves our work here at Bio Cybertronics enough to put one of our products in  that list.

So what did revolutionize our lives;
The Wheel.
I don’t think anyone can dispute the fact that the wheel changed the world, after all before the invention of the wheel in 3500 B.C., humans were severely limited in how much stuff we could transport over land, and how far. Wheeled carts facilitated agriculture and commerce by enabling the transportation of goods to and from markets, as well as easing the burdens of people traveling great distances.  Now, wheels are vital to our way of life, found in everything from clocks to vehicles to turbines.

The nail
If the wheel, gave mankind mobility, the nail gave us roots.  Without nails, civilization would surely crumble. This key invention dates back more than 2,000 years to the Ancient Roman period, and became possible only after humans developed the ability to cast and shape metal.
Before the iron age, humans had to build by interlocking adjacent boards geometrically a much more arduous construction process, which stopped people putting down roots, and a vast majority of the population were nomadic.  Even more impressively was that a Greek scholar by the name of Archimedes had built a screw, in the third century BC.

The compass
So now mankind had the wheel to move around, and the nail to build structures when we colonize any new found land.  However as the earths surface is mainly water and this created a number of problems.

Although not to be defeated by the sea, ancient mariners navigated by the stars, but that method didn’t work during the day or on cloudy nights, and so it was unsafe to voyage far from land, in fact most mariners had the policy that you always had to be able to see land.  That was until the Chinese invented the first compass sometime between the 9th and 11th century; it was made of lodestone, a naturally-magnetized iron ore, the attractive properties of which they had been studying for centuries.  Soon after, the technology passed to Europeans and Arabs through nautical contact. The compass enabled mariners to navigate safely far from land, increasing sea trade and contributing to the Age of Discovery.

The printing press
As someone who loves literature, the written word is so important to me, so much so that I am on the fence with eReaders.  A book is a beautiful object, its smell and tactilely, and depending on the title, the words inside could be magical.  Despite eBooks reducing the need to sell physical books, it is at least creating a generation of readers via eReaders/Tablets, and anything that encourages reading is an amazing thing.

So back to the printing press, which was invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440. instrumental to its development was the hand mold, a new molding technique that enabled the rapid creation of large quantities of metal movable type. Printing presses exponentially increased the speed with which book copies could be made, and thus they led to the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in history. Twenty million volumes had been printed in Western Europe by 1500.

Among other things, the printing press permitted wider access to the Bible, which in turn led to alternative interpretations, including that of Martin Luther, whose “95 Theses” a document printed by the hundred-thousand sparked the Protestant Reformation.

The internal combustion engine
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a gear head or petrol head, depending what side of the pond you hail from.  So naturally as I had the wheel on the list the internal combustion engine was the lifecycle of the wheel!

In these engines, the combustion of a fuel releases a high-temperature gas, which, as it expands, applies a force to a piston, moving it. Thus, combustion engines convert chemical energy into mechanical work. Decades of engineering by many scientists went in to designing the internal combustion engine, which took its (essentially) modern form in the latter half of the 19th century. The engine ushered in the Industrial Age, as well as enabling the invention of a huge variety of machines, including modern cars and aircraft.

The telephone
I admit I hate cell phones, as they remove all etiquette of using a phone.  Not that, that many people had it in the first place.  The subject of the inventor of the telephone has always come under dispute as well.
Though several inventors did pioneering work on electronic voice transmission (many of whom later filed intellectual property lawsuits when telephone use exploded), Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in 1876.  The invention quickly took off, and revolutionized global business and communication, in fact so much of a revolution that I can not think of anyone without a home phone or a cell phone.  At one time I had three cell phones and a land line because of work commitments.  It has become engrained in our way of life, and I for one hate that.

The light bulb
When all you have is natural light, productivity is limited to daylight hours. Light bulbs changed the world by allowing us to be active at night. According to historians, two dozen people were instrumental in inventing incandescent lamps throughout the 1800s; Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely functional lighting system, including a generator and wiring as well as a carbon-filament bulb like the one above, in 1879.

As well as initiating the introduction of electricity in homes throughout the Western world, this invention also had a rather unexpected consequence of changing people’s sleep patterns. Instead of going to bed at nightfall (having nothing else to do) and sleeping in segments throughout the night separated by periods of wakefulness, we now stay up except for the 7 to 8 hours allotted for sleep, and, ideally, we sleep all in one go.

The is no disputing the fact that Penicillin is one one of the most famous discovery stories in history. In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming noticed a bacteria-filled Petri dish in his laboratory with its lid accidentally ajar. The sample had become contaminated with a mold, and everywhere the mold was, the bacteria was dead. That antibiotic mold turned out to be the fungus Penicillium, and over the next two decades, chemists purified it and developed the drug Penicillin, which fights a huge number of bacterial infections in humans without harming the humans themselves.

Not only have birth control pills, condoms and other forms of contraception sparked a sexual revolution in the developed world by allowing men and women to have sex for leisure rather than procreation, they have also drastically reduced the average number of offspring per woman in countries where they are used. With fewer mouths to feed, modern families have achieved higher standards of living and can provide better for each child. Meanwhile, on the global scale, contraceptives are helping the human population gradually level off; our number will probably stabilize by the end of the century. Certain contraceptives, such as condoms, also curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Although they are not a new invention as you would typical think natural and herbal contraception has been used for millennia. Condoms came into use in the 18th century, while the earliest oral contraceptive “the pill” was invented in the late 1930s by a chemist named Russell Marker.

The Internet
Well without this discovery, you would not even be reading this.  It needs no introduction in its self.  The global system of interconnected computer networks known as the Internet is used by billions of people worldwide.
Countless people helped develop it and countless more are still working on its improvement, but the person most often credited with its invention is the computer scientist Lawrence Roberts. In the 1960s, a team of computer scientists working for the U.S. Defense Department’s ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) built a communications network to connect the computers in the agency, called ARPANET. It used a method of data transmission called “packet switching” which Roberts, a member of the team, developed based on prior work of other computer scientists. ARPANET was the predecessor of the Internet.

So there you have my top ten.  I know if I sit down and think about it again, I could end up with a completely different list, after all its often the simplest idea, that changed the world.   So what would be your top ten?  

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Posted in Message from CEO/President Jodi Myatt

Biometric revolution comes from a hospital visit.

Biometric Innovation by Jodi Myatt CEO Bio Cybertronics

It is no secret that I was born with a congenital heart disorder, called Tetralogy of Fallot, it is because of this fairly unique condition, I have a some what different perspective on life and factors in it than someone else my age, though I guess that is what five open heart surgeries does for you.

However some people may view this as a disadvantage, I have seen it as an advantage, the last few weeks this advantage has come to the forefront.

It was in my time in hospital, that an idea was born which has now developed from a process into a product, and hopefully a patent, as the forms were filed yesterday.

Without giving to much away, we have developed a unique method of biometric authentication/identification, which unlike fingerprints, iris, vascular and any other available methods has extra security measures built in to identify unusual behavior and patterns, ergo adding an additional level of security.

Over the next few weeks, and months I will be able to disclose more as we go to market, however I will say in the words of Bob Dylan ‘Times they are a changing.’  Therefore from Bio Cybertronics and myself I can say the future is bright.

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Posted in Bio Cybertronics News, Message from CEO/President Jodi Myatt

Inspiration for innovation from nature

Message on innovation from Bio Cybertronics President Jodi Myatt

The Joop - Jodi Myatt's Blog

At the moment, well at any point in time, I am looking to develop a new product, or improve an exisiting one, however that eureka moment when something pushes innovation that one step further is of course rare.

However it is not impossible to have several and in the cases of great men such as Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Nikola Tesla, Charles Babbage, Jerome Hal Lemelson and although I have a personal problem with his methods and ethics Thomas Edison, to not only have one idea, or even a handful but hundreds if not thousands, all of them far beyond the imagination of others at the time.

It is one of the main reasons when forming Bio Cybertronics, I settled on the tag line, ‘innovation through imagination.’  In summary if you can dream or imagination it, it has to be possible its just the process of innovation that might stand in the way.

However one of…

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Posted in Uncategorized

Is mankind going backwards?

Has mankind stop pushing inovation forward?

The Joop - Jodi Myatt's Blog

Why are we going backwards in engineering, when did mankind become happy with mediocrity, we use to build great things, push boundaries now we are happy with a phone that has a slightly different feature than the last.

It disgusts me, I grew up admiring men of Iron, like Isambard Kingdom Brunel, great men, men who not only pushed innovation forward they brought the world something new, something better for all mankind. Can you say a iPhone 5s does that.

Here are some examples to prove my point.
Take planes in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

Commercial Airliners,
Concord, which in my opinion was the greatest feat of engineering in mans history, could do New York to London in 3 hours. The fastest you can do now is 7 hours.

Spy planes,
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird was capable of 3.5 times the speed of sound, and even did New York – London…

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Nursing Scholarship

The Jodi Myatt Nursing Scholarship by Bio Cybertornics

Well it is no secret I have not been in the best of health over the last 12 months, with a bacterial infection on my pulmonary valve called endocarditis , this bacteria unfortunately despite six weeks of strong intravenous antibiotics had damaged my valve and I needed it replaced.

Of course any form of heart surgery is a reality big deal but being born with a congenital heart disorder called Tetralogy of Fallot, I had at that point already had 3 major open heart surgeries, including that very valve replaced only six years prior.  However unlike last time, my chest was not going to have to be cut open but the valve put in place via a cardiac catheter going through a vein in my leg.

It seemed small fry compared to what I had been through previously and therefore I was not overly worried, sadly I had an allergic reaction to the metal in this valve which cause a massive amount of problems one of them being my heart stopping, so a mere two months later the valve and two stents which had been placed in at the same time had to be removed, and the valve replaced, which resulted in a massive open heart surgery.

This surgery I am not going to lie knocked me about at bit and it took a while for me to feel human again, however it was during this time in hospital, I was given a fresh respect for nurses, although I have always admired the hard work they do, therefore I felt compelled into helping anyone wanting to follow this noble and unbelievably worthwhile and vital profession.

Therefore the first of the three scholarship programs Bio Cybertronics is proud to announce is our Nursing Scholarship, which will be named after myself, Jodi Myatt, as it is somewhat of a personal bond and mission I feel I owe to these care givers.

‘The Jodi Myatt Nursing Scholarship by Bio Cybertronics’  will be awarded every year to students in the United States, Bio Cybertronics will be presenting two scholarships of $4,000, these two scholarships will be awarded to two applicants that meet the criteria and deadlines and include all requested information, set forth by the Bio Cybertronics scholarship committee.

To be eligible for ‘The Jodi Myatt Nursing Scholarship by Bio Cybertronics.’ applicants must meet the following criteria;

  • Qualifying students will be pursuing a career is nursing, medical sciences or a medical technical field.
  • Student must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 3.0 or better, or continuing their education at an accredited institution (college, junior or community college, or technical school)
  • Students will be asked to provide a list of community services performed or involved in during the last four years
  • Upon final review of all applications and essays, finalists may be called for an interview.

More information will be placed on the Bio Cybertronics website over the next week will details on how to apply etc, I just hope via this program Bio Cybertronics and myself can give back as much as I have taken from all the amazing nursing staff I have been lucky enough to have had care for me over thought out my life.

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Posted in Bio Cybertronics News, Message from CEO/President Jodi Myatt

Expansion and the latest developments.

Development by Bio Cybertronics CEO/President Jodi Myatt

As you can see from some of the earlier posts, it is exciting times at Bio Cybertronics, with a large recruitment drive, internship programs, two new scholarship awards which will be announced this week as part of our continued investment in people and the focus on local and national citizenship.

However it is the last post about the development of the Bio Cybertronics Technology Park and the ‘Virginia Science and Technology park of which it will be the flagship building.  In addition to this development program we are also moving into a new custom built out office, which will be fully equipped with bespoke furniture and cutting edge equipment.

In fact so revolutionary in the office interiors design one of the key features in it will most likely be featured on a popular Television show, which has a few million viewers in the United States alone.  Which in itself is something to write home about.

Of course all of this is very exciting, and it is something I have been striving to every since I founded the company, it has been no secret to friends, co-workers and clients that I have had a few health problems over the last 12 months, however I have been on the mend for a while, and even despite being seriously ill at times, I have had a computer, pen and paper by my bed side and worked 40-60 hours  week from my hospital bed.

Everyone else around me, has also stepped up to the plate and been an inspiration and quite frankly done myself and the company proud.

I would not expect everyone to have this work ethic, in fact I am sure my doctors at times were not happy with it, but such is my passion and belief in what we do, and what we create.

All the events of above have laid the foundations for several new divisions of Bio Cybertronics which have been in the pipe line for a while, however we are now able to start punishing aggressively in all the markets we operate in as we have secured and building our future and the companies ability to carry out our ethos and mantra ‘innovation through imagination.’

So what are these new divisions, projects that have me so excited, The buildings aside, although they will serve as the administration and production facilities for all our products and completely eliminate the need for outsourcing, it is not that alone.

Bio Cybertronics are and always will be focused on biometrics it is my passion and the heart of the company, we will continue with the develop of products in this field, in fact over the next 6 months the entire product range will be replaced with an brand new set of state of the art products.

These products will feature duel or even triple biometric readers, making them some of the most advanced on the market, however it does not stop there, we have been working with a chip manufacturer to produce our own low power drain, high processing speed micro processor which will power these devices.

All in all it is exciting times for Bio Cybertronics, and I will be posting updates over the next month which I extremely excited about, several next week alone.

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Posted in Bio Cybertronics News, Message from CEO/President Jodi Myatt

Bio Cybertronics Technology Center and Research Park

Bio Cybertronics Technology Center by CEO Jodi Myatt

Over the last 12 months I have traveled and visited a couple of Science parks or Research parks here in the US, Europe and two in Asia.

The reason I have been touring science parks is for two main reasons the first being to acquire smaller companies for their technologies, the other to get ideas for a futuristic building design and have our architects incorporate them into Bio Cybertronics Technology Center.

Because of my interaction with them, the concept of our (Bio Cybertronics) Technology Center has changed slightly although it will still be the main focus of the facility and the development.

Having spoke to our architects and researching similar developments I realized that building outside major population areas we are going to struggle attracting the brightest and most innovative employees unless we create a hotbed of technology and innovation.

Therefore modeling ourselves somewhat on the Research Triangle in North Carolina and other parks in the UK and Malaysia, Bio Cybertronics are setting out to create a ‘Science’ or ‘Technology’ Park in the area.

Initially Phase one will be over 34 acres in Southern Virginia, more specifically in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

To summarize this development, Bio Cybertronics plans to carry out development in three phases, with the first phase being the foundations and a flagship of innovation in Virginia, the further two phases will depend on this being a success, and weather there is suitable land in the area, as it will be a 10-15 year plan.

Phase One.

The centerpiece will of course be Bio Cybertronics Research and Development plant or ‘Bio Cybertronics Technology Center’, aiming to bring a number of skilled jobs to the area in addition to offering employment to some of the non skilled local workforce.  However we aim to build two further buildings initially and then possibly two additional buildings.

These buildings as well as the rest of the site will be dedicated to the commercialization of Research and Development, offering facilities that promote enterprise and an innovation culture, which will be mutually beneficial for both Bio Cybertronics and the surrounding area.

Allowing for us to attract the staff we need to the area, as well as bring in new high technologies industries and companies to the city, offering higher wages than the typical business located in the city at the moment.

Similar to the Research Triangle model in Durham, although we will be modeling it more scaleable models similar to the ones located in the UK.

The objectives of this site will be to build long-term sustainable employment, with the backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains making the city an attractive place to live and work.

This Science/Innovation park which we have dubbed ‘Virginia Research Park’ until we can settle on a name, would capitalise on the local enterprise and innovation culture, providing flexible support for businesses to produce sustainable growth and allow expansion capability.

Allowing for the commercialisation of cutting edge R&D in science and technology.  On one site we aim to bring together the world-class research skills of Virginia’s Universities at the ‘Discovery Building’ with the adaptable mix of office and laboratory space backed by practical business support and advice on offer at the ‘Incubator’.

Virginia Research Park will actively seek to get full support from the region’s universities and forge mutually beneficial partnerships with them, as well focusing on getting the wholehearted support of  city of to ensure a high quality environment and immediate land available, for Phases Two and Three if companies need to expand outside the initial Phase One, making it a preferred location for developing and growing high technology businesses.

A quick summary of Phase one

Initial Buildings

  • Bio Cybertronics Technology Center

  • Discovery Building

  • Incubator Building

Second Phase of Building

  • Two expansion Buildings for companies who have sucessfuly been expanded.

Bio Cybertronics Technology Center

Bio Cybertronics is a collection of high-tech companies, involved primarily in the design and development of biometric devices, though a number of acquisitions last over the last 24 months have expanded the company into electronics systems, composite materials and green energy solutions.

The Technology center provides the manufacturing, research and development headquarters for the company bringing production in house instead of outsourcing in 5 different countries on 3 continents at the moment, allowing for maximum control and a superior product.

The Technology Center itself is designed to reflect the company’s design, innovation and engineering expertise.  Including design studios, laboratories, and testing and production facilities for all the companies products.

The building is located at the heart of Bio Cybertronics Science and Technology Park built around the man-made lake and gardens which will form an integral part of not only this buildings cooling system but the others on the park.

With the facade of the building being a glass wall, allowing maximum natural light into the building creating a more pleasant working environment around the internal double-heighted ‘street’s which articulate ‘fingers’ of flexible floor space; these house production and parts storage areas on the lower levels, with top-lit design studios, offices and meeting rooms above.

There is a possibility of a staff restaurant, but with the close proximity of Main Street, Bio Cybertronics would like to invest in rejuvenating Main Street and increasing the amount of social facilities there so there is a focus on the key business. (see improved transport facilities)

Although it provides 26,000-square-metres (279 861.67 square feet) of accommodation, over two floors, the building is dug discreetly into the landscape to minimise its physical presence, connected to the ‘Discovery’ and ‘Incubator’ buildings via a subterranean walkway.

A Visitor Centre with educational facilities, which will also double up as the security office for the site will be located at the entrance to the complex, along with a two story parking structure also buried underground.

The Visitor center will house exhibition space and a lecture theatre which is also linked via a subterranean link, this facility will be available for use by local schools free of charge (Up to High School), as well as any business leasing space on the site, and a nominal fee for virtual park tenants,  and locals for events and will feature permanent display of Bio Cybertronics products.

Discovery Center

The Discovery Center is somewhat unique concept for a private enterprise, as Bio Cybertronics is building a state of the art research and development facility that it will never use itself.

However it is this creative and innovative thinking that has allowed the company to expand at a rapid rate.

Realizing that it will be difficult to attract innovative and creative minds to the area as a single entity, Bio Cybertronics concept of creating a leading science and technology park with strong ties to local colleges and universities will make the area more appealing to this demographic as well as create a local highly saturated network of high technology companies, mutually beneficial for everyone, from the CEO’s of said companies to the local population as it will bring in new money and breath fresh life into the area, improve school districts, rejuvenating existing business, etc.

The building itself although will not be as groundbreaking as Bio Cybertronics Technology Center, which will be groundbreaking in design, and an instant iconic building, as Bio Cybertronics believe a building so iconic it is etched in the minds of the general public no matter if they have ever heard of the town, company or development is the ultimate business card, it will still be an iconic and beautiful building in itself.

With a total of 5800 square-meters (62430.68 square feet) over two levels the Discovery Center is host to a range of office, meeting, laboratory and space for clean room facilities which can be installed at a later date, if a client requires one.

The Center although can be used for start up business, it primary function is to house companies that develop and outgrow the Incubator building, thus completing a cycle and allowing new companies and startups into the space in the Incubator Building.

Universities will have access to the space allowing for their students, at whatever level of education to carry out research in the building, allowing this unprecedented access to dedicated research facilities, thus enriching Bio Cybertronics relationship with the universities, and paving the way for breakthrough technologies to be created on the Park, with the ability to take the technology commercial onsite.

As mentioned the Bio Cybertronics Technology Center is linked via a subterranean tunnel to the Discovery center, however due to security, a Vascular Biometric lock is required to access this tunnel from the Discovery Center side, and like all the other buildings will share parking with the underground parking facility for the whole park.

Incubator Building

Finally is the Incubator Building which once again is a unique concept for a private company to invest in, after all Bio Cybertronics are offering affordable low risk, office, laboratory and a small shared clean room space, which can be rented on highly flexible terms, minimizing the risks for startup companies, but giving them all the advantages of a physical address.

As with all buildings on the park, it will be revolutionary in design, although not taking any of the limelight from key Bio Cybertronics Technology Center.

The incubator Building will also serve as the offices for the staff charged with the Parks day to day running, and several meeting rooms which can be rented out on an hourly basis to non member companies and individuals, though free to use for Incubator companies and Discovery Companies.

The equipment room for the park will also be located in the building.

The Incubator Building is designed to function as a total support environment, covering a total of 10,000 square meters (107,639 square feet) with all the tools, infrastructure and other support necessary to create financially stable, high-growth enterprises.

Turning the individual with an idea into the person with a business, incubator services include;

  • Pay as you grow, companies take as much or little space as they need and able to change it on flexible terms.

  • Offices are equipped with furniture, reducing start up costs, and allowing the idea to flourish.

  • Rent is all inclusive of facilities maintenance, office cleaning, building insurance, and use of electricity and water.

  • State of the art VoIP telephone system throughout the entire site

  • Onsite development team.

  • Kitchen facilities with tea and coffee provided

  • Managed reception with visitor waiting area

  • 24/7 access

Transport System

As mentioned throughout, in Phase one, Bio Cybertronics has decided that it does not want to offer onsite restaurants and shops, for the sole purpose of helping to rejuvenate Main Street of the city, which has been in decline, therefore employees need a quick and reliable method of getting from the Park to Main Street, as well as all other future developments.

Therefore Bio Cybertronics would propose a Personal rapid transit system initially with a station in downtown, and the Park, although it can and would be expanded to Phase Two and Three in addition to the local University if they assist with some of the funding.

This would be either free or at a hugely discounted rate, i.e $.50 allowing the local staff to commute as well as get to Main Street from lunch.

The Personal Rapid System we have decided on is a form of ULTra (Urban Light Transit), which will put the city on the map for not only the science park but for being the only one I am aware of in the United States that has such a system.

In its simplest  terms a small automated vehicle(s) operating on a network of specially built guideways, picture a monorail but a lot smaller and Bio Cybertronics would propose a MagLev system as its operation is silent, high speed, smoother than railed alternatives and almost instant acceleration and deceleration and completely automated, ensure running costs are reduced.

Phase Two

Phase Two would see the development of residential and hospitality facilities as well as additional office and laboratory space.

With the increase in employment, the limiting factor will then be suitable housing for attracting skilled workers to the city.

Therefore Stage Two will consist of new housing (75% affordable family housing, the additional 25% being aimed at the executives and even students for the local college.)

The flagship building in this stage will be a small boutique hotel, increasing tourism to the area, as it has some areas of outstanding natural beauty, but also catering to clients, and consultants for the newly formed business to stay at, as currently the city has two low end motels, and hotels in the surrounding area are not ideal.

The relatively new golf course will also serve as a selling point and is a facility all the other towns/cities we scouted did not have, therefore a possible partnership with the golf course can be discussed with the hotel.

Phase Three

This phase will complete the cycle of the park, and will feature larger buildings, designed to house the companies that have grown from the incubator stage, to the discovery building, and then to larger spaces in Phase two, finally settling in larger buildings as their headquarters.

As you can see in this brief summary of the most exciting project in Bio Cybertornics history, things are changing and Bio Cybertronics will be at the forefront of innovation.

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Posted in Bio Cybertronics News, Message from CEO/President Jodi Myatt

New employment opportunity – Human Resources Assistant

Employment at Bio Cybertronics, CEO Jodi Myatt

Job Description

Bio Cybertronics is seeking an efficient, highly motivated, detail centric Human Resources Assistant who shares our vision of innovation through imagination.  The successful candidate must thrive in a high traffic environment and strive to exceed client’s, co-workers and management’s expectations, ergo providing a first-rate service at all times.

The Human Resources Assistant will coordinate and support human resources, policies, projects, practices and clerical functions, including but not exclusive too;

  • Assisting the Human Resources Manager with timekeeping, such as ensuring the integrity of the timesheets.

  • Maintaining personnel records and ensuring their confidentiality

  • Research and collating information from job candidates and employees.

  • Assisting and monitoring leave of absence tracking.

  • Entering data, creating, preparing and distributing reports.

  • Processing employee badges

  • Processing Bio Cybertronics Scholarship programs

  • Assisting the Human Resources manager in researching and developing employee tuition programs

  • Supporting Human Resources manager with employee payroll, including deductions, and employee purchase programs.

  • Communicating with employees on HR, and Company wide news, updates and program eligibility

  • Supporting the Human Resources Manager in the areas of staffing, orientation, employee relations, employee developments and other Human Resources areas as needed.

  • Answering phone calls, and greets visitors, applicants and employees

  • Monitors monthly, quarterly, and yearly employee recognition programs.


Skills and specifications

As a Human Resources Assistant with Bio Cybertronics, you will be required to have multiple skills in order to fulfill the duties required within the scope of the job role.

These are;

  • Good communication skills to deal with customers/clients and managers alike

  • Basic math skills

  • Analytical Skills, the ability to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data to arrive at sound recommendations.

  • Service Orientation, proactively looking for ways to assist, clients, suppliers and co-workers

  • Must be able to maintain discretion in handling confidential and private matters

  • Ability to exercise tact, empathy, and courtesy in frequent contact with employees, vendors, visitors, and job candidates

Education and Qualifications

  • High School diploma, required

  • At least an associate degree in business and or/HR certification is preferred

In addition to this, the job of a Human Resources Assistant requires a good understanding of math, and the ability to follow a steep learning curve with direct assistance from the company Human Resources Manager and Chief Operations Officer.

To apply for the position please send a resume and cover letter to Only those candidates for further consideration will be contacted.

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Posted in Employment

New employment opportunity – Financial Assistant

Employment at Bio Cybertronics, CEO Jodi Myatt

Job Description

Bio Cybertronics is seeking an efficient, highly motivated, detail centric financial assistant who shares our vision of innovation through imagination.  The successful candidate must thrive in a high traffic environment and strive to exceed client’s expectations, ergo providing a first-rate service.

The Financial Assistant will coordinate and support several financial and clerical functions, including but not exclusive to;

  • Processing purchase orders, with detailed and comprehensive journal entries.

  • Run and distribute to the correct parties weekly, monthly and annual financial reports.

  • Assist with auditing and fiscal close.

  • Serve as payroll backup to the HR Manager and Accountant.

  • Spearheads financial projects on an as-needed basis under the direction of the Chief Financial officer or Accountant

  • Compile and sort documents, such as invoices and checks, substantiating business transactions

  • Verify and post details of business transactions, such as funds received and disbursed, and totals accounts to ledgers or spreadsheets and databases

  • Prepare checks, account statements, reports and other records and reviews for accuracy.

  • Perform remote deposit of payments received

  • Reconcile bank statements

  • Monitor accounts payable to ensure that payments are up to date

  • Prepare monthly financial reports (client profitability and consultant utilization) for management team

  • Reconcile timekeeping system and create monthly client invoices

  • Print, mail and file approved client invoices

  • Monitor accounts receivable and become proactive in collecting delinquent accounts

  • Additionally this position provides day-to-day administrative support and specialized assistance to the department


Skills and specifications

As a financial assistant with Bio Cybertronics, you will be required to have multiple skills in order to fulfill the duties required within the scope of the job role.

These are;

  • Good communication skills to deal with customers/clients and managers alike

  • Basic accounting skills

  • Analytical Skills, the ability to analyze both quantitative and qualitative data to arrive at sound recommendations.

  • Service Orientation, proactively looking for ways to assist, clients, suppliers and co-workers

Education and Qualifications

At least an associate degree in mathematics, commerce or accounting

In addition to this, the job of a financial assistant requires a good understanding of math, and the ability to follow a steep learning curve with direct assistance from the company accountant and Chief Financial Officer.

To apply for the position please send a resume and cover letter to Only those candidates for further consideration will be contacted.

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Posted in Employment

Office furniture

Yesterday we mentioned about our expansion and therefore not only will new larger office space be required, designed and built out but we need desks and chairs for people to sit and work at.

Unfortunately it has proved difficult to get matching furniture for our creative office build out, therefore over the last 60 days we have been designing each individual piece in house and then speaking to custom furniture manufacturers to ensure every day when our team come into work, they get to thrive in a creative and unique environment.

Each piece has been designed to match the color scheme of white and purple, ensuring at least in our opinion a ‘high tech’ futuristic look.

In fact the coffee table, has a gel based ‘fire pit’ in the middle of it, showing the attention to details that has been placed at every stage in development and design.

Please take a moment to view the designs in the gallery below, and we would interested to hear your opinions.

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Posted in Bio Cybertronics News