New Office plans.

We are currently expanding, and it is an exciting time, at the moment.  Although we here at Bio Cybertronics could not simply just move into a plain office building.  After all the ethos and motto of the company is ‘innovation through imagination’, therefore a creative environment opens the mind and allows maximum creatively.

Our unique work philosophy is principally about creating functional, relaxed, ingenious and imaginative environments, unfortunately a lot of this is difficult to find off the shelf, especially furniture so a majority of that has been designed and will be built bespoke especially for Bio Cybertronics.

In addition to the large ‘Shark Tank’, the British style red phone boxes, marble flooring and glass titling with LED color controlled lighted, allowing workers to change the lightings color though out the entire visible spectrum.

The attention to detail does not stop there, with bespoke door handles with a biometric system built into them, and a version of JARVIS integrated into the office.

Also on the drawing table is a green wall although this has not been decided on yet.

Construction starts in the next few weeks hopefully, I hope you enjoy the renderings, and look forward to your views and input on them.

Jodi Myatt is a Serial Innovative Entrepreneur, Writer, Author and President of Bio Cybertronics

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    Office Design for Bio Cybertronics.

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